Monday, January 16, 2012

The Terrific Twos

Merriam-Webster defines terrific as 1 a : very bad : frightful

That about sums up how I feel about my kids turning 2.  Every time it's been like a light switch.  As soon as they turn two, the tantrums start (or reach a culmination) and the flexing of the "independence muscle" begins.

This weekend, Annie turned two.  Yippee.  Let the good times roll.  Along with my eyes.

Now, terrific is also defined as 2 : extraordinary.

Now that sums up my general experience of being a mother to 3 terrific kids.  The past 5.5 years have been a blast.  We've had a lot of fun and we still have most of our hair (Well, I have all of mine.  Troy on the other hand...).  And we aren't done.  Not by a long shot.  Thinking about how extraordinary it is go through life this way puts a smile on my face.  Sometimes a crooked smile, but a smile nonetheless.

I think Merriam Webster saved the best definition for last.  3 : unusually fine : magnificent.

That perfectly sums up the last two years with my baby girl.  When I had my first boy, I was over the moon.  I didn't really want a girl.  Too much screaming over boy bands and too much drama.  I wanted a boy.  Seemed like they were low maintenance.  Then when we had our second boy, we were thrilled because we wanted brothers.  Life was good and I was still thinking that it wasn't necessary to have a girl.  But regardless of our wants or plans, we were blessed with our third child and it was a girl.  Yippee.  But what I didn't realize was how magnificent it would be to raise a little girl.  She's so much fun and so cute that I almost can't stand it.  Unusually fine, indeed.

So, Happy Birthday, baby cakes.  You bring me more joy than you could possible know.  You are one of the most terrific kiddos and we all love you lots!


  1. Awesome blog! Girls are a hoot, for realsies! I don't think I ever noticed how well old MW defined terrific, so double kudos for an enlightening blog 'vocabulary-wise' as well.
    As far as Annie-cakes goes, you guys are definitely lucky; and it's a good thing too, because you'll need it with her :P !

  2. Happy Birthday Annie Cakes! That picture is great! I still want to get some prints of each of the TX Beck kids since I got singles of all the other Becker Grandkids recently! Lylyly

  3. I think it takes a Mom of two boys to fully appreciate the difference, and sweetness of a girl in the house. I am so thrilled that I get to experience both genders!
