Friday, January 20, 2012

Nursery Rhymes

We have really been impressed with Isaac lately.  His speech is getting clearer and his sentences are making so much sense.  We credit a lot of this to the little day school that he attends 3 time a week.  They have been working on recognizing letters and writing them.  They have recently started in on working with numbers.  Throughout the year they have been singing as well.  Turns out that Isaac really loves singing.  His choir teacher has noticed lately that he's "come out of his shell" and really started to belt out the notes.    To say the least, we're proud parents.

This past week Isaac's class has been working on the letter N and nursery rhymes.  I don't know about you, but I like nursery rhymes.  My favorite has to be "There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead.  And when she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad, she was horrid."  I guess it reminds me of someone I know.  Yesterday Isaac's class worked on "Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon."  Well, I'll just show you what he learned.

He's something else, to say the least.  Thanks for watching and thanks for keeping up with us!  Feel free to tell us what your favorite nursery rhyme is!


  1. Hey, that was great. Tell Isaac we were proud of the way he speaks so clearly!
    By the way, Bonnie, you shouldn't say those horrid things about your sister!!!

  2. Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye. Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing. Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?

    good job Isaac. way to learn, grow and break out of your shell. you are awesome!

  3. Bon, who does that remind you of?

    Too cute, and BTW, I 've been saying that rhyme all wrong... I thought it was "the little dog laughed to see such a sight" :) Learn new things!

  4. i like the one about me... the little ol' lady who lived in a shoe... :)
    i like nursery rhymes. i should teach my kids some of them. the only one i think they know goes like this, "mama mia, papa pia, baby went diarhea."

  5. Isaac is so adorable, cute and sweet. We love you Isaac! Everybody miss you! A big hug and a lot of kisses. Love

  6. Laura, I think of Annie when I say that one... And I think that you can say it either way.

    Mama T, I wonder what my nursery rhyme would be. That's a great idea. Use a nursery rhyme to describe yourself!

  7. A diller, a dollar,
    A 10:00 scholar....

  8. Bye baby bunting, Daddy's gone a hunting.
    Gone to get a rabbit skin to wrap the baby bunting in.
    Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick!
    Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow? With cockleshells and silver bells, and pretty maids all in a row.

  9. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tummbling after. Then up Jack go and home did trot, as fast as he could caper. He went to bed to mend his head with vinegar and brown paper.

  10. I just had to come back and listen to that sweet little Isaac's voice again tonight!!! I surely do miss you guys!!! lylyly
