Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I asked Orry what his resolutions would be this year.  He asked what a resolution was.  Trying to keep it simple, I said that it was a goal that you would like to achieve or something that you would like to change about yourself or something that you think you can do better throughout the year.  Orry's resolution for the year is make everyone happy.  A lofty aspiration, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try.  He went on to say that he would like to make kids happy.  Maybe even have a parade that kids would enjoy and throw beads.  Sounds familiar...

I asked Isaac what his resolution was going to be.  I wasn't expecting much, to be honest.  From what I can gather, it has something to do with dinosaurs.  I'm imagining that he would like to visit more dinosaur museums and maybe go on a real dino dig.  Maybe that's just my resolution for him...

I asked Annie what her resolution was.  I got nothing.  Well, that's not true.  I got a goofy grin.

I asked Troy what he resolved to do this year.  He mentioned trying to get his kids' names right every time.  We both have a hard time calling each kid by his or her right name.  Just the other day, Troy called Annie "Telcia".  He would also like to eat less meat and dairy.  And there's more excercise and better communication with his siblings.

I asked myself what my resolutions would be for the year.  Here's what I've got.  I'm going to send out birthday cards and do my best to get them to people on time.  I'm going to make sure that Troy and I celebrate Valentine's Day and our anniversary with something special because we typically tend to not do anything on those days.  The big one for me is that I'm going to try to not buy new clothes this whole year.  Shoes, underwear, and socks are not included, but everything else is fair game.  Thrift stores and consignment, here we come!

I'm sure there will be more as we go through the year trying to be the best we can be.  And that's okay with me.  I'm really excited about having another great year.  Have you made a resolution this year?  Well, go on, let's hear it!


  1. those sound like good resolutions, elizabeth. ...i mean, bonnie. :) i used to call my eldest daughter, telcia ALL THE TIME! especially in exasperation though. and i mix up our little one with our dog's name (and vice versa) ALL THE TIME too. --that one i just don't understand. it's been that way since he was born though.
    i don't do resolutions. on new year's. i do them throughout the year whenever i need to, as a life-time goal... because i hate making commitments and then not fulfilling them.
    also, something i thought of the other day when i read a fb post about something, whenever we go shopping for clothes, we should think/say we're shopping for laundry instead. ??? it's true... that's what we're doing.
    i sure miss you guys! <3

  2. I don't really consider this a New Year's resolution but it is the New Year, and I recently resolved to spend at least one hr. per day working on some craft that I want to accomplish this year. I always find myself 1-3 mo. before Christmas wanting to do a year's worth of gift making so this year I'm going to really truly spread it out over the whole year (or at least until the gardening starts calling my name!) ;-) lylyly

  3. I forgot about resolutions until I read this and saw friends on FB complaining about all the people at the gym.

    I like your resolutions. They sound good and fun. I think I'm focused on Trent getting a job, and having a baby this year, and continuing to be a good mom and wife. So, I'll probably go ahead and not make resolutions. I am also focused on finishing projects I start though...so that can be my non-resolution resolution! :)

    good luck with the names troybee. That can be very difficult!

  4. I resolve,have resolved, and will resolve. I respect that others do, too.

  5. I never did get the information to get into your pictures so I can get a copy of that great picture of Annie on the dinosaur. I am sorry we didn't get singles of Orry, Isaac, or Annie while we had the photographer at our beck and call. That was a rough day for the Becker family, I recall! lylyly
