Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Line Up

We had a Luigi (minus the mustache because a certain little boy complained to the point of tears about how itchy the glue was on his face).

Look at that shiner.
Our resident Pterodactyl was present.

And bringing up the rear were the Bees.

There was Baby Bee.

And Momma Bee and the Beekeeper.

Can you see our grumbly bee?

We had a great Halloween.  Troy took all the kiddos door to door while I made dinner and handed out candy.  We finally had to turn out the lights since we ran out of candy and had to put the kids to bed.  October was a lot of fun, but alas, on to November!


  1. So cute! What a great time you all had!

  2. You guys are so cute! Clean-shaven Luigi, a dinosaur, a grumpy bee, and the cutest of all, Mama Bee and the Beekeeper!! I LOVE your blogs, Bonnie! Happy belated Halloween. I hope you're enjoying Nobeember. ~aT

  3. Grumble bee is actually a real cuddle bug--don't let her fool you.
