Monday, October 31, 2011

Black and Blue, and Bitten, Too...

Two of my three kids look a little monstrous on this Halloween day.  They are so timely...  It's just too bad that their costumes are already done. 

Otherwise, Orry could go as a boxer.

On Friday, Orry was running during recess and fell, face first, on the blacktop.  I got the dreaded call from the school nurse, who explained what had happened and told me that she gave him an ice pack.  I didn't have to go and get him, but I was warned that his face was already bruised and swollen.  

And Annie could go as a mild version of Sloth from The Goonies.

Our last significant rainfall here in Houston was on Oct. 9th.  And with that rainfall came the hatching of flood water mosquitoes.  Annie must be very sweet because she surely got bitten about 4 or 5 times all across her forehead.  One of the bites happens to be on her eyebrow.  She has a bad reaction to mosquito bites and swells a lot.  I think I'll have to douse her in bug repellent before we go out tonight.

Luckily, Isaac is still looking like Isaac.

This is about as close as he will get to looking like a monster this Halloween.  

I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!  Be safe and be sure to brush and floss before going to bed.  And beware of large mosquitoes and menacing blacktop while you're out there!


  1. yikes! Blacktops can be rough competition and I hope Orry can avoid any more face meetings with it! Annie must have gotten her terrible reactions to mosquito from Aunt Nicole, who has the same problem :(

    I'm glad Isaac missed out on the fun, and he is sure one CUTE monster!

  2. her aunt tawna also has a similar reaction. the plus is when they swell up so bad they don't itch. the minus is when they swell up so bad they REALLY HURT!

    ps. i think orry would make an awesome boxer. maybe ufc???

  3. I also get major swelling from momsquito bites, and if there's a bug in the neighborhood, it will find me.
