Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree

It's actually been six years since we had a Christmas tree.  Orry was 6 months old.  Yikes.

Since then I've been moving a couple of boxes of ornaments around with us, never opening it up, never even thinking or remembering what was in there.

But this year is different.  We are staying home and the party is coming to us (so to speak)!  So you know what that means.  Ah, yeah!  Time to get a Christmas tree!

Unfortunately, it wasn't as simple as just go out and get a tree.  We first had to weigh the pros and cons of buying a cut tree versus a potted one.  We decided to look at the potted trees.  We searched for one that would look the most like a Christmas tree, but to no avail.  So we finally bought a cut tree and strapped it to our van as the rain came pouring down.  Troy got soaked.  The tree was soaked.  The kids and I were dry.

Fortunately, that was the end of the debating and the ordeals.  The tree was in the house.  A few strings of lights and a bunch of ornaments later...

So the tree is done.  Of course, snowflakes keep showing up and sometimes little hands just can't help readjusting an ornament here and there.  Next on the list is wrapping up the gifts.  And a question for you: When do you put out your wrapped gifts?  As you get them?  Or right before Christmas day?  

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Today was my last day of work until Jan. 2 so I am SO EXCITED!!! See you soon! lylyly
