Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Spirit of Giving (Remix)

I figured I should tell you about Thanksgiving while it is still relevant.  Giving thanks for what we have should always be relevant, but you have to admit, now that Advent is upon us Thanksgiving seems like so long ago. Luckily for us we have plenty of photos to remind us.

We spent Thanksgiving with my folks down in Louisiana.  We left late Tuesday afternoon and arrived just past midnight.  We sure do enjoy nighttime drives.  The kids sleep and the adult talk.  And talk and talk and talk.  Sounds like a killer time, I know.

We spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Houma.  And it was a great time.  Here it goes!

The weather has been quite nice here (and by this I mean I Gulf Coast area between here and there).  The nights are cold, the days are cool(er), sunshine is plentiful, and the breeze keeps on blowing.  The fruit has been plentiful at my parents' house.  The above picture is of lemons.  The one below is satsumas.

And a heads up for Grandma Tammy and Grandpa Dan.  The grapefruit is getting ready and I hope you are too.  So far they are really juicy, but a little tart.  Hopefully in the next few weeks they will sweeten up a bit and be perfect for your consumption.  

We had a couple of fires and roasted marshmallows.  The kids really enjoyed this.  We also discovered there is a right way and a wrong way to roast marshmallows and it greatly depends on who will be eating it and how picky they are about singed parts.  

And we got to spend some time with Aunt Liz.  And boy, has she grown!  

Mom got some bad news.  Actually, I don't know if she did or if this is just a poorly timed photo.  

This last run of photos is out of order.  I don't know why blogger chose to do this, but if I try to fix it and fail I will likely abandon this entry and you won't get to see any of it.  So consider this the remix part of the blog.

And so, in the spirit of giving thanks, here's where I thank my parents.  Thank you for your hospitality this time and every time.  Thank you for all the delicious food.  You sure know our favorites and have them on hand for us.  Thank you for the clean laundry!  Thank you for the love and attention that you show the kiddos.  Thank you for having cable TV and for recording the shows that we like (Parenthood and Duck Dynasty).  Thanks for the beautiful kitchen table!  Thanks for the shopping trips and the movie nights.  And most of all, thanks for supporting us and our dreams.  We sure do love you guys!

And now we will happily march into December.  I am particularly excited about this coming month.  Not only is this the first time we will have a Christmas tree in 5 years, but we are also having Christmas at our place with the Becker grandparents (wahoo!!!) !  And as if that weren't enough, my brother and his brood will stop in with my parents and the house will be full!!  Oh joy of joys!


  1. Oh boy! Just 24 more days (and counting). I am looking forward to those ripe grapefruits--MMmmm!!! But that's not my favorite part of coming down south. It's seeing all of YOU!!! Lylyly
