Sunday, July 10, 2011

Me vs Us

I love spending time with my family.  And by that I don't mean grocery shopping together, going to doctors appointments together, or just hanging out at home.  I mean getting out of our ordinary setting and doing things that we don't normally get to do together.  Today we did our routine things, church and errands.  We also took advantage of free admission to the HMNS Butterfly Center (did I mention that we like free things?)

My favorite: Rice Paper butterfly
The kids and I have visited the Butterfly Center a handful of times over the year.  Troy, on the other hand, hasn't been since our first trip there.  So he was delighted to get to explore and learn some and I was delighted to have an extra set of hands in a place that doesn't allow strollers.

I love the weekends.  I love the time we take to have adventures together as a family.  But I also love me.

Baby Boudreaux bump!!
I think it's important to love yourself.  And I think it's important to take the time to treat yourself right.  So between all the family business, I took the time to treat myself, and a best friend, to a pedicure.

Now I feel that I should preface all this by saying that I love being a mom.  I love what my kids have done for me.  I love my husband and my married life.  I love how much I have grown as a person over the past five, almost 6, years.  Overall, my life is great and I'm quite blessed.

Now, I'll continue by letting you know that being a parent can be downright hard sometimes.  Making the best decisions for them with your limited knowledge of the world.  Dealing with the small everyday stresses that can pile up and weigh down on you like a monstrous burden.  Needing an extra hand or lap at the most trying times of your day.  And being married isn't always a walk in the park.  There are arguments based on differences of opinion and arguments that stem from hungry bellies.  Sharing all of your extra free time with someone else can really start to not feel like free time after a while.

My tired dogs
But no one said that it would be easy.  No one said that we wouldn't struggle to make it through the day, much less the next five decades (if we are so lucky). But no one said that you couldn't have a time out every once in a while.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy getting away, even if it's only for a few hours.  I forgot how much clarity I get when I take some time off.  I really encourage you parents of young ones to treat yourselves right.  Love yourself.  Take time to relax by yourself.  Take time to do something that you love to do, but don't have the time to do everyday.  Get to know yourself away from your kids.  I bet that you will love who you are and your kids will reap the benefit of a more balanced and relaxed you.

So tell me, what is your favorite thing to do to just get away and relax?


  1. WOOT! I sure love you Bonnie :)
    I think my favorite me thing to do is to get a frappicino and go to a movie.

  2. Great blog Bonnie! I think my favorite me thing to do is to piddle out in my garden, or to take a walk in the sunshine! I sure do love you and glad you take care of yourself. I also love how much you love Troy and your kids! lylyly

  3. I have to be in the right mood, but I like to go shopping. I like to try on things and feel like I look great in new styles (even if I don't plan on buying anything).
    I like to curl up with a good book in a comfy chair.
    I like to get my toes did with best girlfried. Same time next month when our toes start to look ratty? :)
    Love you!


  4. Marriage with you is a walk in a park of amusement, dear wife.
