Friday, July 22, 2011

Entertaining Annie

Tonight and tomorrow morning, it's just us girls.  Troy has taken the boys on a camping trip.  I think his exact reason for it being a boys only trip had something to do with his boys learning not to be scared of bugs and nature and stuff.  I'm sure we'll all hear about it tomorrow.

So for 20 hours it's just Annie and me.  Sweet bliss.

What I've come to realize is that I don't know what to do with just Annie!  We danced and we rolled around on the floor.  We picked up some toys and had some dinner.  She got a bath and some clean pajamas.  And then I was really at a loss about what to do with her for the next hour and a half before her bedtime. 

You see, the boys are the ones that entertain her, for the most part.  She is one of the gang.  Wherever they go, she goes.  Whatever trouble the boys get caught doing, her hands are usually just as red.    Three peas in a pod.  And it's easy that way.

After Annie went to bed, I did the cleaning.  I worked on my sewing and crafting.  I got my fix of late night TV.  And tomorrow I will be ready to take on the challenge of what to do with my littlest little.

Annie without the curls


  1. It is weird to just have one at home, now that Aly is older we can do all of those girly things ... nails, facials, girly crafts ... have fun!

  2. that's what i was gonna suggest: get out the girl bag! paint her nails, do her hair, watch princess movies, play dolls, play dress-up...
    those are all things that my BOYS have to endure! :) have fun. what a sweetie. she looks a lot different with straight hair!

  3. i don't know how i missed this one! she is so cute and I can't wait till her and Ila can play together!
