Monday, September 12, 2011

Additions and Subtractions

If you have ever taken a math course then I am sure you are familiar with the idea that math is used in our everyday life.  Raise your hand if you find this to be true.  Troy, put your hand down.  You don't count.

Ah, but you do, my dear Troy.  You count very much.  You are the constant in the equation of my life.  My day has many different variables.  But you are someone I can always count on.

And so we can use math (or at least math terms) to explain our lives.  Is it incredibly useful.  No, I wouldn't say so.  Does it fill a void that only nerdiness can fill?  Yes, exponentially.

Here are some of the latest going-ons in the Becker household, explained with math terms of course.

Last week Isaac started preschool.  He has been subtracted from our daily equation every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  He is having fun although he does have trouble differentiating school time from nursery time since he is attending the school at church.

Last week my best friend Laura added a new baby to her family!  Welcome to the world, Miles!  I was the only one who got to meet him since all the kids are a little snotty right now.  But the kids are really excited to meet him.  At least I think they are.  I know for sure that they are missing Mrs. Laura.

In case you can't tell, this is a chimp's bottom...
Isaac has started to flare up again.  Side note about calories:  He has gained a pound!!  We took him into the doctor's office to get some labs done.  They extracted some blood and asked to return with a stool sample...  We made the most of our time downtown and visited the zoo.  Isaac really loves the rhinos.  Annie really loves Isaac.  So we went through the African Forest to see the chimps, rhinos, giraffes, and ostriches.  While observing the chimps we thought that we might catch some multiplication.  We didn't, but we also didn't stick around long enough to make sure that no monkey business went down.  Speaking of multiplication, Annie's love for Isaac has really multiplied.  Being forced to spend so much time with together has really brought them closer.  

Yesterday we did some subtraction.  A sweet kitty cat was hanging around our house.  It probably had more to do with the fact that I was feeding the poor thing and less to do with the fact that the kids loved to pet and play with it.  In a few short weeks, we had gotten use to being greeted by the kitty in the morning and every time we went outside, for that matter.  We all liked the kitty, named "Cat".  Even Troy was caught giving it food and affection.  But we currently don't have the time or the resources to spend on a pet.  So a decision was made and Cat was taken to a no-kill shelter with the hopes that he would find a wonderful forever home. It is really sad not to see him in the morning anymore, but we take comfort in the fact that he will find a loving home that will feed him, take him to the vet, let him inside, and love him for a lifetime.

I hope that your life is filled with the wonderful joys of multiplication and that many happy additions are in store for you.  I hope that you never have to suffer through divisions or painful subtractions.

Maybe you still aren't feeling like there's enough math in your life.  If that's the case, I'm sure that Troy can help you out with that.


  1. Oh bonnie, you are so great! Bye bye Cat, hope you have a good life!

  2. we had a great cat like that a few years back. the good thing about ours (catty), was that he actually belonged to a neighbor, so they fed him, but he liked our backyard better, so we got to play with, pet, and give attention to him.
    sadly, he was subtracted from our family via death. ON our driveway. UNDER our trailer. so that wasn't so great... quite sad. but then we added finnagen to our family and our frowns were flipped (or the reciprocals were found, if you wish) to smiles!
    i love math, not to the extent of troy's obsession, per se, but i enjoy it and it in life!!!
    i also love all of you, beckers!! <3

  3. I'm glad you didn't mention the Weiner Integral.

  4. Do you mean the Paley-Wiener Integral?
