Saturday, September 24, 2011

Megamind (title courtesy of Orry)

I'm pretty worn out this week.  I've felt like I had a million things to do.

Monday was lab work (blood and stool) day.

Tuesday was Open House night for Orry.  In case you are wondering, he's smart and delightful.  That's a very brief summary.

Wednesday was the day I was scheduled to bring snacks in for Isaac's class.  We decided to go with rice krispie treats cut with cookie cutters.  We also had children's choir practice that night.

Thursday was spent with a great friend and her beautiful baby!

Friday I pulled Orry out of school early in order to take him to the doctor.

Today is Saturday.  I would like to say that we slept in late and just hung around all day, napping and reading books, eating and watching football.  And we did do those things.  I'm so happy.  I stayed in bed until about 8:30.  Heaven.  I took a nap by 11.  Heaven.  I read Isaac some books and made a second breakfast.  Oh how wonderful.  Then in typical Becker fashion, we flew by the seat of our pants and packed the remaining  daylight hours with as much as we could.  We took our month's worth of recyclables to the recycle center (yes, we finally found it).  We visited the dinosaur museum, rolled down the big hill in Memorial Hermann Park and played at our neighborhood park.  We also managed to squeeze in a couple of new adventures.

Firstly, we visited the Beer Can House.

Yes.  Someone covered their house with various parts of beer cans and considers it art...  And secondly we ate tacos from a food truck that was parked in the grocery store parking lot.  They were surprisingly delicious and all the kids loved them!

One weekend we will rest.  It may not be next weekend or the next, but one of these weekends it will happen.  And maybe one week, in the far off distance future, we will have time to stop and catch our breath.  Right now I have time to catch up and transcribe the story of Orry's "black eye".   Now this is in his own words.  And I've gone back to add in that he read it over my shoulder and had me change things while I was writing.  Gotta love that kid.

"One day, when me and Nathan were at recess, I was walking and Nathan was running.  Nathan hit my cheek under my eye.  And I cried and I got to be the line leader.  We went inside and got a drink.  And the pattern is restroom, sanitize, drink.  When we were reading, a boy hit my head and I got an ice pack.  The ice pack is at the nurse.  Mrs. Taylor wrote my mom a note.  Then I left.  And you need to get your binder and your backpack.  And I am route 144.  The end."

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit our blog!    


  1. Awesome weekend! And just think, it's only half over. I like Orry's story. I also like that he's already proofreading. 2 kudos for each of you.

  2. Oh are we back to awarding Kudos??? I love it when we give Kudos. I also love the lazy sat. morning and the super busy afternoon. That is the way to do it! Hope your Sunday is going alright with Isaac's liquid diet. We are praying, praying, praying!

  3. I am so crazy that I sometimes think that moms who stay at home with their kids actually WANT to spend the weekend doing wild and wonderful activities. You can tell it's been a long time since I've been a stay-at-home mom! I love Orry's story and I love that he proofreads and I even love that he wants to choose the title to the story! You guys crack me up!!! lylyly

  4. <3 i read this a while back my i had my comments screwed up again...
    i sure love you tex becks
