Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mistaken Mistakes

Today was filled with mistakes.  Mistakes I've made hundreds of times over.  Mistakes that were firsts in my life.  Sometimes it's hard not to define our day by how many mistakes it contained.

We had a busy day planned.  Or not planned.  Maybe at the end of writing this I will decided that I didn't plan the day quite like I thought I did.  I made a list of places we need to go.  Library, museum, Whole Foods, and Chase bank.  That was the list.  So we got ready this morning and headed out.

Library first.  This outing was based around mistakes.  We forgot to put a CD back in one of the books we returned a week ago.  We also were supposed to return four books on Monday.  We got to the library just as it opened.  We had to go in to properly give the CD to someone and explain what happened.  I went to the trunk of the van to get the stroller.  No stroller.  Mistake #1.  Taking three kids to library wouldn't be bad if all three kids were over 5 years old and knew better than to take any and every book off the shelf, regardless of their interest in the actual books.  Annie was the handful.  I'm used to the boys crawling around on the floor and playing in their little boy way.  It's Annie that's hard to handle in places like this.  Thus the reason the stroller, with the harness, is a must.  Needless to say, it was a very brief visit to the library.

Next was to venture some 33 miles to the other side of town to go to Whole Foods.  We decided to visit the HMNS at Sugar Land also, to make the trip worthwhile.  Before we went though, we passed by home to get the stroller.  Mistake #1 corrected.  But one thing we didn't have was Daddy's wallet.  Mistake #2.  Daddy's wallet has the money for the grocery store.  Daddy's wallet also had the check we needed to complete our final mission at Chase Bank.  But a quick trip to Troy's work corrected mistake #2.  So while slightly stressful, it wasn't a major catastrophe.

Hungry children going to the museum is no fun.  Mistake #3-Mommy didn't pack any snacks.  Really?  Come on, Mommy!  I did have two peppermints in my bag.  How pathetic does that sound?  We rushed through the museum seeing all the things we could before our stomachs just protested with hunger.  We quickly made a beeline to the Whole Foods where we had a nice little lunch outside.  The boys got to go to the Sweet Pea Clubhouse while the girls did the grocery shopping.  The grocery shopping was mistake free.  The Sweet Pea Clubhouse experience was good for Isaac (it was his first time being able to go) and not so good for Orry.  Mistake #4-Not teaching your 4 year old how to wipe himself.  That story is best left untold, but I'll let you know when I have corrected that one.

We came home, tuckered out.  That right.  Mistake #5-We totally forgot about the banking.  I'm such a jerk. I got all my stuff done, but forgot about dear darling Troy's business.  Sorry, babe.  He called for me to come and get him from work.  That's when I realized my mistake.  But I offered a suggestion.  How about we go and pick more blueberries and do the banking on the way?  Mistake #5 corrected.  So I quickly got the kids ready and made an after work snack for Troy.  Sandwiches and a cookie, plantain chips and some water.  One the way to get him, the travel cup with the water must have tipped over.  And earlier when I screwed the lid on, I must not have done a very good job.  All the water soaked into the carpet of the car.   Mistake #6.  Could the day get any worse?!  But then I thought about it.  Was my day really all that bad to begin with?

Despite our quick trip to the library, we scored a couple of really great books.  At the museum, there were some moments where we learned about the Acrocanthosaurus, and fulcrums and levers.  Lunch was yummy.  After Orry's experience, he might be more motivated to learn how to wipe himself.  We still made it to the bank before it closed.  We picked 4.5 pounds of blueberries and discussed whether or not a Stegosaurus would have eaten blueberries.  We came home with dirty children and a dirty car.  We washed the car first and the children second.  Tired children go to bed so easily (makes me think we should do this everyday...nah.).

I need to redefine what a successful day means.  The number of mistakes doesn't really matter, if in the end the day was an overall success.  My life would seem very dismal if I only focused on the mistakes and mishaps that have happened to me everyday.  So here's to looking on the brighter side (no matter how dirty it may be)!


  1. wow, what a day! Trent says he gives it 6 kudos, one for each mistake, and i'll give you 3 extra for fixing so many of them!

  2. You ended the day with 3 happy, healthy, sleepy kiddos ... to me that defines a successful day. The mistakes were simply adventures along the way!

  3. I love reading your blogs Bonnie. I'm sorry I missed so many of them. I guess I don't know to go look for a blog unless I get a reminder.
