Tuesday, February 21, 2012

President's Day

Sorry about the lack of posts recently.  I've been dealing with some mysterious pain in the nerves of my mouth.  But on with the stories.

On Monday we celebrated President's Day.  Well, celebrated is an over-exaggeration.  We did, however, take advantage of the long weekend and made a trip over to Houma to celebrate the soon-to-be wedding of my little sister.

This weekend was Lizzie's bridal shower.  We had a Mad Hatter's tea party.  All the baking and cleaning, and cleaning and baking was fun and exciting as we geared up to host the party.  We ladies had a great time.  The kids had a good time too.  Since we no longer have cable at our house, they sure do like watching a little bit of TV, undisturbed and on a big screen television no less.  But some of the them mananged to get out of the house for a while.

Isaac watching his Daddy and Poppa work in the wood shop
But this President's Day was more special than any other so far.  For this year, at this time, we are learning about the Presidents of the United States of America.  If you love history, then you'll understand how exciting this sort of thing is.  We are working on memorizing the first 30 presidents.  So far we know the first 10 with no problem.  We might actually work on making a catchy tune to help us out with the other 20.  But in the meantime, we are learning some great facts about some of the lesser known presidents, like Franklin "Handsome Frank" Pierce and Martin "Little Magician" Van Buren.  A batch of cookies to the first person who correctly identifies the president whose nickname was "Uncle Jumbo".

So Happy Belated President's Day and Happy Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday!

*Congrats to MamaT, winner selected at random to receive something lovely from moi.


  1. But google makes this one a gimme. Instead of answering it, I'm going to give someone else a chance and then try to nab some of their cookie dough.

    How about this one: besides James Madison, who do you think was the next smallest or skinniest president?

  2. I'm not entering the contest but wanted to mention how much I appreciate you teaching our grandkids so well! lylyly

  3. Grover Cleveland! I love COOKIES!!! We've been enjoying Sesame Street lately, I enjoy the Cookie Monster the most, and Ila enjoys Elmo the most!

  4. when i was in HIGH SCHOOL was when i remember learning about the presidents. yeah, i know... i'm a late bloomer. but really, i may have learned earlier and forgot. what i DO remember about learning about them was the fun facts that our government teacher read us about them. she had a cool book with lots of fun facts about each one of the presidents. i don't remember which one, but he had to have a tub made for him because he was so obese.
    yeah!!! i'm excited for my lovely prize. i LOVE winning!!! i've entered lots of blog prize give-aways and this is the first one i've won! yippee!!!!!!!! thanks bonniebee.
