Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fresh Air

So far, this weekend has been one of sickness.  The kids are sniffling, coughing, and sneezing.  The grownups are behaving in a similar fashion.  So what do you think we did with ourselves?

That's right.  We're a bunch of crazies that decided to go out and get some fresh air at the Mercer Botanical Gardens.  Originally, we set out to go on a Bird Walk which started around 8:30am.  Yeah right.  That didn't happen.  But we did manage to make it there for 9:30 and we brought our binoculars just in case.

It was so nice to be outside.  The sun was warm.  The shade was on the warmer side of cold.  The sky was clear.  Hardly any birds in sight.  The kids loved running around the paved walkways.  We enjoyed watching them in their silly ways.  

All in all it was better than sitting at home and wiping noses.  Instead we got there and enjoyed nature, while wiping noses.  I hope that you and yours are happy and healthy!  


  1. I surely do hope you all get better SOON!!! lylyly

  2. I know, just for fun, bring the runny noses to Idaho!!!

  3. ugh it's going around. We've all had it, and now Miles has bronchitis :( hope your snotty noses are getting better. BTW, I need to know how you made those dumplings in the chicken dumpling soup... it was AMAZING! Miss you girl!

  4. that one picture of annie looks like what i'd imagine a little bonnie to look like!!! super cute pix. thanks!
