Monday, October 24, 2011

Star of the Week

Orry Becker: Star of the Week

Canoeing with Dad

Woot, woot!!  That's my boy!

Now, I know I'm making it seem like he's won some award.  And while I believe that he is capable of winning all the awards in the entire universe, that is not the case (this time).

Orry's kindergarten class has been picking a student every week to be Star of the Week.  The child that is chosen must bring a collage to school that describes who they are.  During class time, said child will be able to talk about things on their collage so that their peers may get to know them a little better.  Other perks that come with being Star of the Week, being the "line leader" for the whole week and having your favorite book read during class time.

This week it is Orry's turn to be the star.  How was he chosen?  Turns out that last week was Bethany's turn to be the star.  At the end of that week she had to pick someone to go next.  She chose Orry because they are friends and because girls have to pick boys (and visa versa).   So here is the collage that we worked on this weekend:

We couldn't fit all the things that he likes on this half-sized poster board.  We couldn't even fit half of the things that he likes.  But we managed to squeeze in some of the really important things.

So here's to you, my little star!  I hope your classmates get a glimpse at what a wonderful boy you are!  


  1. sweet poster board of favorite things! you sure are a start Orry! And I'm sure you'll make an excellent line leader and story chooser. woot!

  2. Pardon my wife, she likes adding extra Ts when she's extra excited about Orry and his collages. Some day we'd like to be on an Orry collage... Or any TexBex collage, for that matter. That was an awesome collage, and I bet Orry will eat up the Star of the week pozish.

    We love you guys!

  3. I think it's hilarious that he's the biggest one in his (drawing of his) family!

  4. He's the biggest one and he's leading us all, hand in hand, to some place happy. I imagine it's some place happy since he's grinning, as is everyone else, but me...
