Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My World is Changing

My world is changing.

My sweet 5 year old, whom I have nurtured at home since birth, is leaving me to go to school.  I'll be putting him on a bus and sending him off to learn.  Today I realized that I will have no contact with him for the whole 8 hours that he is gone.  I guess, in this case, that no news is good news, but no news sure does make a mother lonely.

My world is changing.

Gone are the days of sleeping in.  7:30am will seem like a luxury when I have to start getting out of bed at 5:45am.  But breakfast has to be made.  Children need to be dressed.  Lunches need to be packed.  Buses need to be caught.

My world is changing.

Late nights of staying up until midnight or later will be a thing of the past.  No more late night movies or sewing parties.  Bedtime will come so quickly and I will happily succumb to the fatigue that will inevitably come over me.

My world is changing.

But I knew this day would come.  Some days I wished that it would hurry up already and get here.  Others days I relaxed and enjoyed the seemingly endless amount of time I had to spend with him.  We've been prepping him for this day for years now.  Teaching how to read and write.  Teaching him how to treat others with kindness.  Helping him to remember his manners and to share with others.

My world is changing, but change is good.


  1. Oh my goodness. . . this blog makes me weep! I love the pictures and the memories. Give my great big Orry Borry and hug and kiss from me and tell him how proud I am that he can read and write so well before even going to school. lylyly

  2. Wow! You make me cry reading your blog. Beautiful Bonnie!

  3. oh little Orry, going off to school! Great blog Bonnie. Your world sure is changing and I love that you embrace it! We have a "going to school" present to send to Orry and Isaac. I need to get that in the mail ASAP (and your prize from the killdeer egg challenge too!)!
