Friday, July 8, 2011

Just My Imagination

The highlight of our day was the evening we spent in Brazos Bend State Park.  In typical Becker fashion, we decided to venture across (and out of) town to take advantage of a free observatory night at the George Observatory.  The observatory is part of the Houston Museum of Natural Science and is located inside the state park.  So while entry into the observatory was free, getting into the state park still had a minimal cost.  And again, in typical Becker fashion we decided to make the most of this "minimal cost" and get a pass to all the state parks in Texas.  This should make for plenty of things to blog about...

It is a nice state park, although I didn't quite feel comfortable the whole time I was there.  Allow me to explain.

Upon reading the literature that is provided for you at the entrance station, you realize that there is quite the alligator population in the park.  On the list of don'ts, twice it is mentioned that you should not feed the wildlife.  Other notable lines tell you things like, "If you come across an alligator laying in the middle of a hiking path, back away slowly" and "Don't ever think that an alligator is a slow animal" and, my favorite, "If an alligator wants the fish that you just caught, let him have it".  So you can see why I wasn't really digging the whole vibe the place puts out.  I could just imagine a big gator making off with one of my little ones or my leg, for that matter.  Choot 'em!  Maybe you still aren't following me.  Here, have a look for yourself.

Walking out on the fishing pier was one thing.  Hiking was another.  Walking down all the winding paths, I couldn't help but imagine an alligator laying across the path.  And if I wasn't dreaming up alligators, then I was hearing cicadas and thinking of rattlesnakes lying across the path.

Poor Troy had to put up with me.  I was worse than the kids.

But all this wasn't the reason for our trip.  We were there to see the stars.  And we were hoping to get a good look at Saturn, the only planet visible in the night sky for the rest of the summer.  So we braved the mosquitoes, armed to the teeth with Skeeter Screen and Badger Balm.  Turns out we got several good views of Saturn and some of its moons.  We also got up close and personal with our own moon.  We didn't stay long enough to see any stars.  During the summer it takes too long to get dark and our kids (or was it just me?) started to get cranky while waiting.  And I would say that we didn't get any bug bites, but silly me forgot to re-apply spray on my feet.  But now that I'm looking for the three bites I thought I had, they don't itch and I can't find them...

I'm glad I didn't let my imagination get the best of me.  It turned out to be a pretty good time.  Although, while walking back to the car, alone and in the dark, the image of a bobcat mauling me crept into my mind...


  1. Another raucous Becker Friday night.

  2. sounds like a great friday! And you sound just like me, except I'm constantly on the look out for rattle snakes & cougars. hiking out here with me is no fun, unless you constantly want to hear "Trent, don't go there, there is probably a rattlesnake over there!" and things like that. I'm slightly paranoid about those sorts of things.
    I'm confused though, who vomited?

  3. my facebook status has absolutely nothing to do with the blog. just some reasons i was up so late. and it was isaac.

    how much fun would it be for two becker bros and their wives to go hiking? loads of fun, that's for sure!

  4. yeah, I'm sure they would have the time of their lives! ;)
    Hope Isaac is doing alright!

  5. thanks! he's doing just fine, i suppose.

  6. That was a fun blog to read. I can just imagine what it would have been like to be there. I would like to see an alligator, but only if he was on the other side of a barricade from me (like the ones we see on the alligator farm by Banbury's). Keep us informed when you go to all those other state parks, and I love it that you are making memories! lylyly
